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Good news for divorcing couples…

The UK Government have just published their response to the consultation carried out to the proposal that the Court fee to be paid to start divorce proceedings be increased from the current £410 to £750.

This consultation has come about on the basis that there are around 120,000 applications for a divorce each year in which 95% of the cases are not contested. The Government estimate the actual cost to the Court Service for processing the basic divorce is £270 and therefore the current fee of £410 is already significantly in excess of the actual cost to the Government of processing a divorce. The Government remains insistent that there is the financial imperative to increase income to the Courts from fees and so increasing the divorce fee was seen as an easy option to make money. However, in response to the Government consultation most respondents strongly disagreed with the Government’s proposal for reasons including:

• There was no good reason for increasing the fee beyond £410.
• It was simply wrong for the Government to try and make money out of divorcing couples.
• The proposed increased fee of £750 was excessive and would deter people from seeking a divorce, which could result in people being trapped in an unhappy or violent marriage and unable to form new relationships.
• It was potentially discriminatory because more women than men seek divorce and therefore it would have a disproportionate impact on women to be asked to pay the increased Court fee.

Thankfully the Government has paid attention to these replies and the court fee will remain at £410.

What this all means is that Kiteleys Family Solutions team can continue to offer legal support for a basic divorce for the fixed fee of £998 (which includes both VAT and the £410 Court fee).

In addition, the Family Solutions team offer a comprehensive one hour meeting to discuss any other family matters, such as financial issues or child arrangements, for discounted fixed fee of £150 (which includes VAT).

If you wish to discuss any family matters, please call specialist solicitor Colin Mitchell for an initial free telephone assessment on 01202 393506.