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Same-sex marriage a real possibility

The long awaited and much debated gay marriage bill will be published by the Government on Friday. MP’s will be given their chance to vote on these proposals at the bills second reading scheduled for 5th February.

The bill that actively amends the Equality Act 2010 looks to fulfil these aims:

•    enable same-sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies
•    permit those religious organisations which wish to do so can opt in to conduct marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples
•    protect those religious organisations which do not wish to marry same-sex couples from successful legal challenge.

The culture secretary, Maria Miller, stated that the main purpose of the bill was to offer “equal and fair” treatment of gay couples as well as giving the opportunity to religious interaction, where a couple and a religious institution agrees. It is an important to point out that no religious premises or church will be bound to offer such services; it would be entirely down to choice.

She added: “I don’t think it is for any government to tell the Church of England what they do when it comes to something which is so central to religious belief.”
The pressure on the Government has stepped up over the last few years for same-sex marriage to provide the same recognition, acceptance and protection that marriage gives beyond the existing civil partnership laws, especially with the increase of partnerships having their own families.

“The values of marriage bind families and communities together and bring stability. I believe that couples should not be excluded from marriage just because they love someone of the same sex. In opening up marriage to same-sex couples, we will further strengthen the importance of marriage in our society.

“Our proposals recognise, respect and value the very important role that faith plays in our lives. I have always been crystal clear that I would not put forward any legislation that did not provide protection for religious organisations. This Bill protects and promotes religious freedom, so that all religious organisations can act according to their doctrines and beliefs.”